March 18, 2013

Baby Sewing

I haven't done much sewing lately, but the babies popping out everywhere at the moment is a huge inspiration to me :).

During my Christmas holiday I made this little set for a friends soon-to-be baby girl.

Who can resist a tiny ruffle butt? Not me! Especially when it's paired with a matching butterfly top/dress :)
The top is just a cylinder of tiered fabrics with a shirred top half and little straps. For the nappy cover I used this pattern. It was really easy to do - if I had known how easy it was to make nappy covers I would have made many more by now!

Then when I was looking for a baby shower gift that would go with the sleeping carrier/bassinet I had already bought I decided to try out the snuggler pattern I had found.

This was really easy to put together, I used minky on the inside - super soft for a tiny baby to snuggle under. And with a pocket for their feet and Velcro closures it makes it easy to wrap baby even if Mum and Dad are so sleep deprived they can barely think straight.

And for another baby who we didn't yet know the gender of I made a gender neutral giraffe print snuggler.

The only thing cuter than a tiny baby in a ruffle butt? A tiny baby wrapped in a giraffe print sunggler!

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