February 26, 2012

What happens next?

First few weeks of college is over. I was completely overwhelmed by meeting new people, getting assignments and reading lists, finding where my classes are, navigating the library. But now I'm feeling more settled, moving around the campus with purpose and recognising people from classes. It's a very small Bible college which is nice. Not as anonymous as university was.

It's lovely to be in such an open, evangelical Christian environment. Conversations at the lunch table are amazing. Everyone has a reason they are here, many are completing their study for a purpose; they are hoping to become a minister or a missionary. Some already have appointments all around the globe that they will go to when they finish their study. I feel a bit of a minority; I don't have any real plans for when I finish my study.

image on my pintrest board - couldn't find original source

When I tell people I am going to Bible college they ask if I am going to be a minister (this is usually from people outside my church, those inside my church share my beliefs about women ministers). But going into full time ministry isn't on my agenda at the moment. Mission has always interested me (I recently read that Missionary kids are more likely than other Christians to be involved in cross cultural mission when they are adults; interesting), but at the moment I don't have immediate plans.

Rather the opportunity to study came up unexpectantly. God used situations in my life to give me the push I needed to study now, not just think 'I'll do that someday'.
At this stage I am planning to stay as an early childhood teacher. As far as 'professions' go, I can't imagine anything else. I love working with children and helping them learn. Most of my life I never thought I would have a career. I thought I would be married and having children before I finished uni, so work never really entered my consciousness. But obviously that wasn't God's plan :). He has decided this is the best place for me now.

When I finish this degree I'll still be me; a bubble-blowing, dancing, communication-modelling, singing, story book reading, block building, relationship-negotiating, behaviour guiding, fine motor strengthening, confidence building, tear-soothing, (insert 100 other roles), early childhood teacher - with a deeper understanding of my God and my Faith.
Until God decides to give me a push in another direction. Because I've stopped trying to work out what God's plan is for me until it happens. I'll love Him, and follow His word and wait to see what He has in store.

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