April 8, 2008

I am begining to think like a seamstress.

The other day in a lecture I was distracted by a girl sitting a few seats ahead of me. She had on a really unusual jacket, and I spent quite a bit of time trying to work out how it would be made, how the different pieces of fabric had been sewed to create the jacket.

Then last night I went to the ballet with a friend and I kept forgetting to watch the dances because I was looking at the costumes and trying to work out what fabric they were made out of so they 'fell' in such a beautiful way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are so many things to be captivated by at the ballet... costumes, sets, the music and the dance. I love it.
Haven't set aside the time to blog about it yet - but I shall!!
I had a great time with you!