July 8, 2012


I spent the long weekend at Mum and Dads. Country NSW always does autumn better than Sydney ever will.

Autumn never really featured in my upbringing; Vanuatu has wet-stormy-humid season and slightly-drier-a-bit-cooler season. And Sydney just sort of suddenly gets cold after a few false starts (but can we really call mid-teens cold?). Which is good because where there is autumn, there is a cold winter. And we all know I am so not a winter girl :).

But out west, where my parents live, they have a beautiful autumn. The drive up is a mix of orange, yellow and red. Gorgeous deciduous trees line the motorway, highlighting the bends and turns.


We had a picnic out in a local botanical garden, even with many bare trees there was lots of gorgeous bits of colour; like this toadstool or little apple like fruit.

What bits of colour are you finding in your life?

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