As you may (or may not) have noticed I haven't been around on the web the last 2 weeks. I've been at prac all day everyday, and when I was at home I was either preparing lessons, writing up observations or finishing an essay (yes, I had an essay due during prac). Or I sleeping - because working everyday with kids is tiring.
But I loved every minute of it. I honestly didn't want to leave - it was a beautiful haven in the midst of my crazy life. And it came right when I needed it.
I know now, more than ever that my calling is for children. To teach them about the world, to watch them discover new things, to comfort them when they are sad, to celebrate with them when they accomplish something.
Of course there were moments when I wanted to cry (especially after having a conversation with a little girl whose mother died of cancer 2 years ago) and moments when I was frustrated if a lesson didn't go as planned. But most of the time I had a peace which is so often missing from my daily life.
It had to do with alot of things, not just from doing the job I am gifted to do, but also being in a place where God is honoured in everything we do.
I would love to show you lots of pics of my gorgeous class, but you will have to suffice with a picture of me holding a turtle. We had 'Snake Express' come to visit - a zoo keeper brings snakes and lizards and turtles for the kids to loved hold and touch. I did touch a snake - but there was no way I was going to put it around my neck - I don't care if it is harmless.
It's so good you love teaching so much. It's such a great gift and a blessing to all!
thanks Rachael
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