September 19, 2009

Watch them Grow

I've hit the point in my prac where I have begun to really care for the children. There are a few I will be very sad to leave.

Such as *Ethan, with a head of gorgeous blonde curls, one of the quieter children but whose language has expanded by leaps and bounds even within the few weeks I have been here. His dad is German so he has a few words which reflect that - every time a car drives past the play ground he gets excited and calls out "auto! auto! auto!"

And *George, the little boy who's a little bit uncoordinated. He just has to walk (well, run really) into the room and I start smiling. He manages to have a stack about 20 times a day, but just picks himself up and laughs. He always has this cheeky, fun filled grin on his face.

Every prac there are a few children I remember long after prac finishes. I often wonder how they are going and what they are up to now.

I suppose that's the life of a preschool teacher, spending a year building up a relationship with children - then sending them off into the world. It's a little sad, but it's also exciting. This is such a wonderful age, full of discovery and wonder. What a wonderful chance we have to help them develop in such a precious time of their little lives.

*(not their real names)

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