February 7, 2008

WFMW - Online Stores

Works for me Wednesday today we are meant to tell people about our faviourte online shopping.

I have two;

Sense and Sensibility is a place to buy period clothing patterns so you can sew your own. The patterns are reasonably priced and very easy to use.

And I just bought myself the regency collection with some of my Christmas money so I can sew Regency things to my hearts content. (excited squeal!)
(You can also go to the Show and tell area to drool.)

Another favourite;

TEAR is a Christian organisation that ministers to the poor in the world. One of the ways you can support them is to buy something from the Useful Gift Catalogue. (I have blogged about them before in Dec last year)

You browse the catalogue and decide what you want to give. A goat, or a mosquito net, or a toilet, or a women's self help group or go really crazy and get them a well.

There are 25 gifts ranging in price from $5 - $5000 (heaps of them are under $100).You then 'buy' the gift from TEAR - TEAR will allocate your donation to one of their local partner organisations in the country this gift is from.

All their local partners are 'grassroots Christian organisations who work alongside the poor in their own communities'.

You receive a card that you can give to someone. 'All cards include a picture of, and some information about, the gift you've bought. They do not mention the item's cost. They also feature a short description of TEAR Australia plus space for you to write a personal message.'

Useful gifts can be purchased by anyone - you don't need to be in Australia - check out their FAQ for more info.
(phrases quoted are from the gift catalogue website www.usefulgifts.org)

I have personally supported TEAR for many years, and I know they are a reputable organisation. I know many other charities run something like this, but I like that TEAR is a Christian organisation that works with people in their own country to empower themselves. They reach out to all people in poverty regardless of religion and culture.


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!! I saw your previous post about TEAR and on your recommendation, I did Christmas shopping thru this site. I shopped shortly after Thanksgiving and got the cards all the way from AU to here in Chicago to deliver in time for Christmas! I was highly pleased with everything & the "gifts" were a hit with each individual! I will definitely keep this organization in mind...thank you so much for posting! ~Erin in Chicago

Erin said...

:) Yay! I'm glad that you found TEAR useful. It really is a great organisation and I'm so pleased that I was able to share it with you.