April 3, 2010


(This is part of an ongoing series chronicling memories of my life growing up as a missionary kid in Vanuatu. For a quick overview and links to previous posts you can go here)

I haven’t written a growing up Island post for a while (like several months). I was reminded of something today while at church for Good Friday service.

If it’s one thing people in Vanuatu know how to do, it’s decorate. The best bit is that decorations are taken from the bush around the collage. It’s free, and it looks great :).

On the Thursday before Good Friday many of the students go looking for things to decorate the hall that was used for all of our services.

On Good Friday when we went onto the hall for the service the entire hall is covered with dead leaves. Long brown coconut leaves frame the door ways, large brown banana leaves are placed along the windows, shredded and haggard looking. Curled pandanas leaves encase the pulpit. Everything is dead and brown and sombre.

And then on Easter Sunday we come into church and the decorations have changed completely. Along the doorways are still coconut fronds, but they are glossy and green with bright coloured hibiscus threaded onto them. Leaves and flowers are everywhere, along the windows, around the pulpit, lining the walk way. At the front around the table has been constructed a cave with the stone rolled away. Everything is bright and green and colourful.

You walk in and are reminded that death isn’t the end, after three days there was life.

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