March 5, 2008

The House - Part 5 - The finnished Product

It took me too long to get these photos taken and up, but here they are. I think I was waiting until the whole house was spotless to take the photos but I might as well admit that that is never going to happen.

Everything is finished and we are enjoying living back among friends.

Our living room, with furniture scourged from various places, including Mum and Dads. It's big enough to fit everyone when we have friends over.The kitchen, second hand stove and freshly painted cupboards. The bucket you can see next to the stove is what we use to wash up in cos we don't trust the kitchen sink.

The view out the kitchen window, complete with temporary clothesline and cricket pitch. Also the chair Josh made in year 12.

And the most important room - mine :)

There is enough room for my bed, and clothes as well as my computer and sewing machine, all I need to be content.

And my favourite part in my room is my photo wall, with photos of all my favourite people in frames I decorated myself.

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